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29 Jan 2010

Build Muscle Fast and Get Ripped Abs in 12 Weeks

If you want to pull off a complete physique transformation to get ripped abs while you build muscle fast it is important to follow some very strict guidelines. It is a very difficult task to do both at the same time but the reward is that you will see the results in the mirror much more pronounced giving the appearance of huge muscle gains.

In order to do this effectively you cannot rely on cardio for the fat loss. To get ripped abs you will need to lose fat by doing HIIT only twice a week and by doing your weight training workouts in a style that increases fat metabolization while stimulating new muscle growth. This can be accomplished with 3 workouts per week focusing on weight training.

The best way to train to gain muscle mass while you lose the fat is by doing full body workouts. This way you can focus on basic movements and do supersets working opposing muscle groups. This creates a huge metabolic load and oxygen debt which forces your metabolism upwards. The fat burning potential after the workout is huge. While taking in a big protein drink post workout with some simple carbs you can maximize muscle recovery for new growth. The carbs will be absorbed so quickly to replenish lost glycogen that there is no need to worry about fat gain. Then for the rest of the day the metabolism will be elevated putting you into a state that burns fat while using extra protein from your meals to build muscle fast.

A really good transformation can take as little as 10 to 12 weeks if you have about 10 to 20 pounds to lose. The best rule of thumb for men is 2 pounds a week. When it is 2 pounds of fat the results are very noticeable from week to week. The gains in muscle mass are less but if the diet is done correctly giving enough protein at the right times during the day you can gain muscle but the results will be much more pronounced because of the fat loss giving the illusion that 20 to 30 pounds of new mass have been gained.

So if you want to look really huge focus on getting ripped because that has the potential to make you look 20 pounds bigger. This can be accomplished when you structure the workouts and nutritional plan correctly.

Best Way to Build Muscle Fast and Get Ripped Abs

To summarize keep these tips in mind:

HIIT Workouts
Full Body Muscle Building Workouts
Post Workout Protein Drink with Carbs
2 Pounds of Fat Loss Per Week Max

Do it Now

Download my FREE eBooks to Get Ripped Abs or Click Here to Build Muscle Fast with the best physique transformation systems on the planet!

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